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EAP: Mental Talks: 'Creative and Innovative Thinking’


To learn how to find creativity and inspiration through various approaches.

This Mental Talk will be devoted to the most interesting questions about creative thinking like: how to find inspiration, the role of feelings in the creative process, how to learn from observing nature, and how to adopt new perspectives to help the creative process.


We will explore also how the brain functioning contributes to the creative thinking and how we can improve our ability to think creatively. We will discuss some behavioral, nutritional, and supplementation-based approaches to engage in creative thought and also research about the effectiveness of different forms of meditation in creative thinking. We will discuss how body movement and storytelling (narrative) approaches can generate novel creative ideas and how substances like alcohol, cannabis, and psilocybin impact our creative ability. 


  • We will discuss the mechanisms we find inspiration
  • Will learn tools for memory improving our ability to think creatively supported by scientific evidence
  • We will discuss some interesting facts about substances and creativity


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field.
  • Sharing good practices and techniques
  • Discussing the advantages of meditation in creative thinking


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from SoftwareONE

Duration:  60 minutes