Хибридна услуга от ново поколение за управление на психичния стрес, която предлага ранно предклинично откриване на стреса, ранна интервенция и превенция на хроничните последици от стреса. Ние работим за повишаване на благосъстоянието на ниво личност и ниво организация.
To trigger participants for discussion how to recognize their own stile of stress management and to learn some new strategies for better living.
Most people are constantly exposed to stress factors. Stress is beneficial and useful when it helps us to get things done. But it becomes a problem when it causes chronic mental anxiety or physical discomfort. Each person has different level of stress tolerance either because of a person’s reactions to events or due to the environment they work in.
Burnout can develop when a person has been under stress for prolonged period and is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. It is a sense of powerlessness with some very unpleasant or even dangerous symptoms – insomnia, feelings of emptiness, thinking of quitting work, or changing roles.
Last year Gallup surveyed that nearly two-thirds of full-time workers are dealing with burnout at some point for the last year. During the COVID-19 pandemic people are experiencing work burnout due to long working hours at home.
Good news is that both stress and burnout can be prevented or can be completely modifies as an experience. It is possible to feel better even without changing the work. The earlier you recognize the signs of burnout, the better.
In the planned workshop are invited to participate MODIS team
Duration: 60 minutes
Адрес: бул. Ал. Стамболийски 32, София 1000, България
Телефон: +359 896 704 665
Email: info@somenso.com Website: www.practicalstress.com www.somenso.com
Copyright © Somenso all rights reserved.
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