Хибридна услуга от ново поколение за управление на психичния стрес, която предлага ранно предклинично откриване на стреса, ранна интервенция и превенция на хроничните последици от стреса. Ние работим за повишаване на благосъстоянието на ниво личност и ниво организация.
To introduce and elaborate on the concept of relationships burnout and learn strategies and techniques for dealing with it.
Do you feel happy in your relationship?
Do you come back home after a busy day with pleasure, joy and tremulous anticipation, looking forward to spending some quality time with your partner? Are you able to discuss freely what happened to you during the day? Do you feel listened to and supported?
We talk about burnout in romantic relationships when one or both of the partners give too much to it without feeling like they are getting enough in return. This kind of burnout can be accompanied by feelings of exhaustion, a sense that something is missing, and increased pessimism about the future of the relationship.
Whether you’ve been married for 20 years or dating for a few months, relationship burnout is common.
In this workshop, we’ll talk about the most common factors that can contribute to such a relationship state, the early signals you should pay attention to, as well as prevention methods and strategies for dealing with the problem when it’s already present.
In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from SoftwareONE
Duration: 60 minute
Адрес: бул. Ал. Стамболийски 32, София 1000, България
Телефон: +359 896 704 665
Email: info@somenso.com Website: www.practicalstress.com www.somenso.com
Copyright © Somenso all rights reserved.
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