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EAP: Mental Talks: Stress & Burnout Prevention


To introduce and elaborate on the concepts of stress and burn out and learn strategies and techniques for dealing with them.

All of us are constantly exposed to stress factors. Stress is beneficial and useful when it helps us to get things done, but it becomes a problem when it causes chronic mental anxiety or physical discomfort. Each person has different level of stress tolerance either because of a individuals’ reactions to events or due to the environment they work in.

We have already discussed the physiological reactions of stress and burnout. We have presented the most common coping strategies to overcome the impact of stress and burnout. In this mental talk we are going to apply this knowledge in practice, by discussing you some case studies and how the strategies can be applied in real life. 


  • We will motivate participants to think and share challenges and factors contributing to increased levels of stress and burn out in everyday life
  • We will present useful tips on how to work on and enhance stress resilience
  • We will focus on strategies and techniques for coping with stress and burn out


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field.
  • Good practice sharing
  • Case studies 


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from SoftwareONE

Duration:  60 minute