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EAP: Mental Talks: Summer Vacation. How To Get Best Of It?


To inform about different strategies for building the ability leave problems behind and enjoy summer vacation.

Summer  symbolizes freedom – less clothes, lighter luggage, lighter food, more time outside, more hours with friends in the park or in nature. Your personal summer vacation is the best time not to think about working staff and be more with yourself and your family.

In this workshop, we will uncover the secrets of being free, to think just about your well-being and focus on your full recovery from hard work, stressful environment and daily stuff.


In this Mental Talk we will discuss:

  • What means perfect summer vacation
  • What kind of holiday problems could arise
  • The consequences of bad vacation time
  • What can you do to solve the problems
  • Health benefits of taking a vacation
  • What we need to be careful about
  • Summer vacation is a perfect time for….


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field
  • Discussion about the idea of the perfect vacation
  • Strategies of to overcome the psychological consequences of ineffective rest
  • Self-reflecting exercises


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from Just Eat Take Away

Duration:  60 minutes