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EAP: Mental Talks: “The Assertive Communication and the Art of Saying “NO”


To give more information how assertive communication works and how we could assertively defend our positions. We will learn more about using self-monitoring techniques and demonstrate firmness and determinations.

Assertiveness is a form of behavior that demonstrates your self-respect and your respect for others. It is based on the philosophy of personal responsibility and awareness of other people’s rights. Assertive behavior reflects an understanding of the personal value of everyone – your own and other people as individuals.

The assertive theory is based on the premise that every individual possesses some basic human rights. These rights include such fundamental ones as “the right to refuse a request without having to feel guilty or selfish, the right to have your needs be as important as other people’s needs, the right to make mistakes, and the right to express yourself while not violating the rights of others.

The assertive person should be able to say, “I don’t know,” “I don’t understand,” “I don’t worry,” without feeling guilty about it.

In this workshop we will present strategies and best practice how to express yourself clearly, simply, directly and in your own way without dominating others. 



In this Mental Talk we will discuss:

  • the concept of assertive communication
  • the basic types of behavior
  • how to show assertiveness in a non-verbal way
  • how to build an assertive communication style


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field
  • Discussion about what people know about the assertive behavior
  • Strategies for developing our assertive communication style
  • Self-reflecting exercises


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from SoftwareONE

Duration:  60 minutes