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My place in the change


To acquaint participants with the role of change in psychological wellbeing. To inform and present participants with skills for effective change management in personal and professional setting.

Life is a constant flow of changes – from the large scale ones such as moving into a new home, separation from an important other or birth of a child, to the small ones – buying a new piece of furniture or changing your route to work. Every change that demands adaptation breeds stress. The ease with which you adapt to change can determine how turbulent you perceive your life. The inability to adjust to different circumstances can cause severe individual suffering.

Every person handles transitions in a specific manner. How does this skill evolve and can we consciously enhance it? What are the most effective methods for coping with undesired and unwelcome changes in our surroundings?

What does the character trait called resilience entail and how can we increase our own resilience?


Changes in life can certainly occur suddenly and unexpectedly. But there are changes in the life cycle that are normative and their stressful effect is relatively well known. Being familiar with them can help us prepare for those changes in an optimal way. 


  • To present valuable and accessible information about normative life cycle transitions.
  • To encourage self assessment of personal skills and resources for change management.
  • To generate ideas about personal development in regards to resilience.
  • To provide a safe space for discussion of the relevant subject in the conditions of full confidentiality. 


  • Presentation of current research and knowledge about the relevant phenomenon.
  • Group work, role play – the participants work in groups on different tasks or cases
  • Group discussion of the relevant subject


In the planned workshop are invited to participate between 10 and 15 people from MODIS

Duration:  90 minutes