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EAP: Time Management Under Control


To learn how to make your day worthwhile and to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

“The mute button is amazing on a conference call, so they can’t hear that you’re actually in the bathroom with a 2-year-old over the potty who’s saying, ‘I’m pooping!’” said Bunmi Laditan, author of “Confessions of a Domestic Failure and Dear Mother.”
Time management was a challenge during normal times. Now the pandemic has introduced a whole new set of issues.
Are you finding yourself rushing to get things done at the last moment. Maybe you have watched Netflix all day long and now – 23 o’clock, you have to finish all. Or procrastinate a little or underestimate the amount of time you need to complete the task. Do you manage to complete everything on your daily “to-do” list?  Perhaps the way you manage your time is a problem or you need to learn more about one of the most essential life skills. This “Mental Talks” discussion group could possibly save you a lifetime of headaches.



  • Each participant can self assess her/his time management skills individually
  • We will discuss the most common mistakes people have to avoid regarding time management
  • Will inform you about successful strategies and tips for time management while working from home
  • To discuss strategies of being connected with colleagues and friends during isolation


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field.
  • Sharing good practices
  • Discussing the challenge of working from home
  • Self-assessment form – test


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from HELECLOUD

Duration:  60 minutes