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Group counseling is a form of counseling where a small group of people meet regularly to discuss, interact, and explore problems with each other and the group leader. Group counseling seeks to give people a safe and comfortable place in society where they can work out their problems and control emotional concerns.

An important benefit of group meetings is the opportunity to receive feedback from others in a supportive environment, built ability to change self-defeating behaviors/habits, better expression and management of emotions, including anger, relief from depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions & increased confidence and decision-making skills.

What and how to

  1. Express your interest for participation in mental group practice by booking this event – this means that you can dedicate 4 hours per month ( 2 meetings, 2 hours per session)
  2. Explore the Ethical Practice of Group Meetings and decide that you can follow them especially confidentiality commitment
  3. Participate in first pre- group training online session
  4. In pre-group training session share your personal goals
  5. Form a small group up to 8 participants with colleagues with similar personal goals
  6. Attend first group meeting


  • Give and receive support
  • Gain understanding of problems and explore possible solutions
  • Practice interpersonal skills in a safe group setting
  • Learn more about how you come across to others
  • Increase observation and feedback skills
  • Enhance problem-solving skills
  • Improve emotional expressiveness
  • Decrease social isolation
  • Develop good communication skills

The Ethical principles of group meetings

    1. Maintain Confidentiality. It is essential that everything said in group therapy is kept private by all group members and leaders. Failing to adhere to this rule can undermine trust within the group and hinder members’ attempts to heal.
    2. Commitment to Attendance. This is another essential rule for nearly any group – it is vital that each member attend every session, arrive on time, and stay for the entire session. In addition to the absent member missing valuable information and practice, absence, late arrival, or early leaving can disrupt the group.
    3. No Socializing with Group Members. Group therapy is not a social activity, it is (hopefully!) a therapeutic one. Forming close friendships or other bonds with group members can interfere with group success, especially if members become hesitant to share personal information because of another group member. Friendships should be saved for after the group has disbanded.
    4. Communicate with Words, Not Actions. This rule could be considered the exact opposite of the standard advice storytellers receive: “Show, don’t tell!” People have different reactions to physical contact, so expressing yourself through words instead of physical actions is an important rule to follow.
    5. Participate. Group therapy doesn’t have much of a therapeutic effect if the members do not participate! The potential for healing and growth rests on how much group members are able to connect, share, and learn from one another. It is essential for all group members to truly participate for this treatment to be effective.

In case of questions you may contact us at info@somenso.com