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Certification classes

Priorities for Leaders in 2023: Culture, Leadership, and wellbeing

Increasing Human management Awareness

The academy grand opening!

Your participation is free of charge , but places are limited. Hurry up to register!

Practical Stress Academy is a learning experience that offers you valuable practice on mental health-related topics. Professionally trained experts will provide you with information dedicated to healthy brain functioning, overall sense of well-being and people management.

You will find courses on a variety of mental health issues from stress resilience to improving sleep, memory, concentration and quality of life, as well as innovative topics related to professional growth and people-centered corporate culture.

Workshop Agenda:

1. Practical Stress Academy Introduction

We will present the main values and goals of the academy through short artistic presentation and workshop.

2. Redesigning Work, Workforce and Workplace

We will talk about how the focus of companies is changing and the expanded concept of employee wellbeing.

3. Employee engagement

Will discuss the obstacles that digitalization across every sphere brings. We will present strategies and innovations in HR management to ease into the hybrid workplace.

4. Remote Non-verbal Communication 

Even though digital communication is mostly typing down and visualization occurs through a camera, there are still some important non-verbal components that add context and give out social cues. We will present some useful non-verbal skills which will improve remote communication.

5. Knowledge test 

6.  Closure 

Priorities for Leaders in 2023

Practical Stress Academy is organizing its first free certification class. Its aim is to increase the knowledge and awareness of the workplace challenges and approaches. It will include the newest trends in HR management, brain hacking tools and stress prevention strategies.

Today’s world of globalization and technological advancement highlights the importance of quality interpersonal communication at work. More and more companies are moving towards a hybrid workplace environment, keeping the home office trends from the last years, but at the same time striving to bring employees back to the office.   

Considering the new trends for management and leadership in a changed way of working, we would like to invite you to a conversation to discuss our perspective on building the workplace of the future.


Екип от лектори:

Силвия Куманова

Поведенчески психолог и бизнес консултант. 


Радост Минина

Психодрама водещ

Димитър Генов

Поведенчески и организационен психолог, бизнес консултант и обучител