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EAP Mental Talks: Social Competence Basic Skills


To learn basic social competence skills

“Getting or giving anything is about social skills. The world is about being comfortable where you are and making people comfortable, and that’s what social skills are”

Penelope Trunk

Our relationships are one of the most important aspects of our life. Past and current research show that social competence is deeply related to mental health. Social competence is a capacity, based on emotional intelligence and contributes directly to effective performance at work.

Social competence is made up of our social awareness and relationship management skills. It is our ability to understand other people’s moods behavior and motives in order to improve the quality of our relationships.

On the other hand our relationships are reflections of our motives, abilities, skills, habits, and knowledge together contribute to the development of our social behavior and, as a result, may show itself as a competence.

In this workshop we will learn how to use knowledge from our past experiences, out interaction models and habits, we will discuss how to modify unhealthy patterns and apply that learning to our current or future social interactions. 


  • We will discuss the difference between interaction and relationship
  • We will discuss how accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on with them
  • We will learn how to perceive what other people are thinking and feeling even if we do not feel the same
  • We will discuss the most core abilities of social awareness
  • We will build the ability to observe as an anthropologist while we are in the middle of the interaction


  • Up-to-date presentation of information and research in the field.
  • Sharing good practices and techniques
  • Discussion and self-reflection


In the planned workshop are invited to participate people from JUST EAT TAKE AWAY 

Duration:  60 minutes