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Stress and Burnout

The models for prevention and intervention of brunоut are directed mainly in two directions: group seminars for prevention and individual psychotherapy of the victims. The most important task of group seminars is to make the participants aware of the phenomenon and to help them discover its manifestations both in themselves and in their colleagues. The focus will be on preventative measures because once in one organization, Burnout Syndrome is highly contagious. Like the learned helplessness, the state of Burnout tends to self-support and intensify.

Trainer: Radost Minina

Recognition of symptoms of stress and burnout.


  • Mental modeling play ©– a method of modeling one’s own emotions


  • Determining the level of manifestation of stress-related symptoms
  • Understanding the nature of stress, identifying stressors (events that cause us stress), stress response (body reaction), and focusing on stress mediators.
  • The reflection of my self in my career. Finding the meaning of the work being done or planning a change.

The specific symptoms of burnout include:

  • Negative and critical attitude towards work.
  • Reluctance to get started.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Sleeping problems.
  • Feeling of emptiness.
  • Feeling physical complaints such as headaches, palpitations or back pain.
  • Annoyance to team members or customers.
  • Thinks as that your job doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t matter.
  • Retreating emotionally from colleagues, customers, relatives.
  • Feeling that your work and contribution are not recognized.
  • Thoughts about leaving work or changing roles.