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Stress management in a crisis / work from home for managers

Workshop goals: To present participants with information on cognitive and physiological aspects of stress. To encourage managers to recognize stress in their teams and to develop skills and competencies connected to stress management.

High-functioning individuals with complex and dynamic lives can go through periods of increased stress and decreased productivity. They often struggle with balancing personal and professional obligations and may need assistance in developing a structured, sustainable schedule, or addressing underlying issues like anxiety. 

In the same time working from home during the coronavirus pandemic – and amid stay-at-home orders – mixes multiple aspects of life. That can be a recipe for additional stress.

For those accustomed to large offices and co-worker interactions, it’s a drastic change. Even people who usually work at home are now also juggling added responsibilities and concerns, such as a partner working at home, children out of school or the need to check on older loved ones. Household chores and trips to crowded grocery stores can heighten anxiety, especially for women who may fill the main caretaker role. 

Now more than ever, we all must take care of our mental health and well-being. 


  • To present valuable and accessible information concerning the phenomenon in hand.
  • To generate ideas about stress resilience development in the domain of crisis.


  • Presentation of current research and knowledge about the relevant phenomenon.
  • Group discussion of the relevant subject


In the planned workshop are invited to participate managers and team leads from MODIS

Duration:  60 minutes