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The crisis as a change and an opportunity

As with the nature of change, crisis often brings a sense of danger, insecurity. But the crisis is also a time of opportunity. It is good to know which of our qualities help us to adapt more easily, to change, learn and develop. When we have gained speed and momentum and we have to stop abruptly, for a moment we have the feeling of losing balance, this is the moment when we need to find our point of balance, to enjoy gifts such as time, return to values and our own stability.

Workshop goals: To present participants with information on theoretical and practical aspects of change and different kinds of crisis. To encourage them for recognizing and developing skills and competencies connected to change.


  • To present valuable and accessible information concerning the phenomenon in hand.
  • To generate ideas about personal development in the domain of change.


  • Presentation of current research and knowledge about the relevant phenomenon.
  • Group discussion of the relevant subject


In the planned workshop are invited to participate  MODIS team.

Duration:  90 minutes