Хибридна услуга от ново поколение за управление на психичния стрес, която предлага ранно предклинично откриване на стреса, ранна интервенция и превенция на хроничните последици от стреса. Ние работим за повишаване на благосъстоянието на ниво личност и ниво организация.
The corporate world is evolving and changing at an incredible pace. It is modernizing in such a way that employees are finding it hard to cope up with the pressure which has drained them in the long run.
However, to help employees with all the pressure mentally and physically, organizations are implementing employee assistance programs. Such programs have helped organizations to reduce turnover rates and increase productivity as a whole.
To acquaint participants with the role EAP and psychological wellbeing. To inform and present participants with skills for usage of the program and implementation in personal and professional setting.
Manager Hotline
Consider the following two scenarios:
Scenario one
A staff member is displaying erratic behaviour which is impacting on the rest of the team. She is regularly absent from work, often requiring peers to ring her to see if she plans to come to work. Peers have frequently complained to their manager and feel unsupported. Peers are conflicted, as they are left to cover her workload, but are also concerned for her health. The staff member becomes even more isolated and the team is unhappy.
Scenario two
A manager needs to have a performance management discussion with an employee.
The employee has been constantly late, despite previous assurances to rectify the issue. Team members are becoming irritated by the constant tardiness. The manager commences the discussion with the employee, who becomes very aggressive.
Employee Assistance Programs are those which help employees to deal with their personal problems and professional issues which negatively impact their job. It is a counselling and consulting program where employees put forward the problems they are facing.
And in return the right set of solutions are provided by experts. Not only does it help employees psychologically but it also helps them improve their engagement levels in the long run.
Assistance can be of various forms like work relationships, performance booster, mental health issues, help with substance abuse, child and elder care, and the list can go on depending on what the organization decides to include in EAPs.
Supporting employees is always a crucial part if you want to build an influential company culture. The main features of an ideal EAPs are listed below:
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