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What is counseling, the benefits of my EAP (Employee Assistance Program)

Personal worries can restrict a person’s ability to live their life as they would like to. It is a Counsellor’s job to actively listen to a client’s problems, and mentally challenge them to encourage them to seek a solution to their concerns. Counsellors provide a supportive service that creates a confidential space where clients can freely voice their feelings. Counsellors are non-judgmental and impartial, and simply reflect the client’s worries and concerns so that they are able to see the difficulties from another perspective.

Purpose of this meeting is to describe in simple words what indeed is the counseling, what counselors do and when to seek professional help.

To achieve these goals, we will discover:


  • what is NOT the counseling through the stigma of mental health
  • Purpose of counselling
  • Brief overview of counselling
  • Informal versus formal counselling
  • When to look for professional counseling and benefits for me

Trainer: Silvia Koumanova