THE FUTURE OF HEALTH - Pre-Premiere Welcome to the online presentation of a new generation social-service system  designed for health prevention and quality of life improvement.  You will understand how our revolutionary approach gives the possibility for early detection of

Недвижими имоти - част първа Aim:Целта на презентацията е да информира участниците какви как да извършат сделка с недвижим имот. Темата е разделена на две части:Първа част: преддоговорните отношения между страните, предварителният договор и т.нар. „брокерски“ договори  Правната

Защо холистичният корпоративен подход към менталното здраве е от съществено значение? След две години пандемия и с облекчаване на правилата за носене на маски изглежда животът постепенно започна да се завръща към нормалното. Този лъч надежда беше

EAP: Mental Talks: Simple techniques for better memory and concentration Aim: To learn empirically proofed techniques for training our memory and concentration. “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.” Chinese Proverb Most people have occasional lapses

EAP Discussion group: Stress Management skills Aim: To trigger participants for discussion how to recognize their own stile of stress management and to learn some new strategies for better living. Most people are constantly exposed to stress

Understanding Your EAP Benefits – Employees understanding of the Program The corporate world is evolving and changing at an incredible pace. It is modernizing in such a way that employees are finding it hard to cope up

Understanding Your EAP Benefits – Management understanding of the Program The corporate world is evolving and changing at an incredible pace. It is modernizing in such a way that employees are finding it hard to cope up

Understanding Your EAP Benefits – Employees understanding of the Program The corporate world is evolving and changing at an incredible pace. It is modernizing in such a way that employees are finding it hard to cope up