автор: Леа Моргана  5/5 "НИЕ СМЕ ХОРА, НЕ ДИАГНОЗИ!!!!Бих искала да разкажа за своя опит с биполярното разстройство. Защо? Защото невежеството и неразбирането ме изправи пред предизвикателства, които не заслужавах. Стигмата за психичната болест се оказа

Psychology of colors “Experience teaches us that the individual colors give particular moods.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We deal with colors all day unconsciously, but most of the time we hardly notice them. Nevertheless, color psychology

author: ANONYMUS  5/5 The author prefers to stay anonymous. She describes herself as positive and charming person. Personal Story: COVID and a Christmas Miracle on a Dating Site It was last year. I got infected in

Home Alone…on Christmas Day Imagine the following picture: It is snowing outside. A large and happy family is sitting in a beautifully decorated living room. The lights on the Christmas tree are illuminating the smiling faces while

author: ANONYMUS  5/5 The author prefers to stay anonymous. She describes herself as positive and charming person. Personal Story: For donkeys, roses, scattered car parts and other things From an early age I just dreamed to

author: Theodora Angelova  5/5 My name is Teodora Angelova and I have had the opportunity to become really close with depression. We know each other with panic attacks very good as well. It turned out we

автор: Теодора Ангелова  5/5 My name is Teodora Angelova and I have had the opportunity to become really close with depression. We know each other with panic attacks very good as well. It turned out we

автор: Теодора Ангелова  5/5 My name is Teodora Angelova and I have had the opportunity to become really close with depression. We know each other with panic attacks very good as well. It turned out we

автор: Теодора Ангелова  5/5 My name is Teodora Angelova and I have had the opportunity to become really close with depression. We know each other with panic attacks very good as well. It turned out we