EAP: Mental Talks: Christmas Psychology Aim:Learn some of the basic skills for your personal Christmas bliss There is a miracle in every new beginning -Herman Hesse For many people, the holiday season is a time of celebration, rest
EAP: Mental Talks: Christmas Psychology Aim:Learn some of the basic skills for your personal Christmas bliss There is a miracle in every new beginning -Herman Hesse For many people, the holiday season is a time of celebration, rest
EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim: To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front
EAP: Mental Talks: Sleep Procrastination. Why Do People Delay On Going To Bed And How To Cope Aim:To give information about what sleep procrastination is, why we delay going to bed, the consequences on our health, and
EAP: Mental Talks: Families And How To Survive Them Aim: To present aspects of psychological knowledge about families in easy and enjoyable way “It didn’t matter how big our house was; it mattered that there was love
EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim:To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front of
Авторът на това откровение предпочита да остане анонимен. Разказ от първо лице: Любовен многоъгълник за напреднали математици Бях на 13 г., когато родителите ми се разведоха. Баща ми се премести да живее при новата си изгора, която
EAP: Mental Talks: 'Personality Types' Aim:To give information about the personality theory of Hans Eysenck, the different types of temperament and the way to communicate effectively with them “It is because we are different that each of
EAP: Mental Talks: How to develop charisma and become people person Aim: To give information about essential communication skills and how to develop them “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me
Рестартирай любовния си живот - дискусионна група, СРЕЩА 1 Цел: Да подкрепим участниците в преодоляване на трудности при изграждането на интимни взаимоотношения Всеки от нас е преживял моменти, в които е убеден, че любовният му живот е
EAP: Mental Talks: Basic Principles of Psychology and Psychotherapy - Mental Health and Mental Health Services Aim:To learn basic principles of psychology and psychotherapy. “I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes