EAP: Mental Talks: “Mentoring vs Coaching" Aim:To give more information about mentoring and coaching to point the differences and the similarities. We will learn about structure and models of  processes. As a person in different roles as

 5/5 Somenso и Гергана Радович представят “Четенето като автотерапия”. Ние от Център за управление на стреса създадохме рубрика, която ще посветим на книгите, създадени от български автори, написани, за да пречистват, да зареждат, да дават надежда. Започнали

EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim: To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front

EAP: Time Management Under Control Aim:To learn how to make your day worthwhile and to maintain a healthy work-life balance. “The mute button is amazing on a conference call, so they can’t hear that you’re actually in

EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim:To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front of

EAP: Mental Talks: 'Personality Types' Aim:To give information about the personality theory of Hans Eysenck, the different types of temperament and the way to communicate effectively with them  “It is because we are different that each of

Psychology of colors “Experience teaches us that the individual colors give particular moods.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We deal with colors all day unconsciously, but most of the time we hardly notice them. Nevertheless, color psychology

Замисляли ли сте се за това как се справяте с неудобните емоции? Имате ли навика да отваряте някое приложение на телефона си веднага щом ви доскучее? Моделите на поведение са породени от начина, по който реагираме на

KАК ДА НАМЕРИМ РОМАНТИЧЕН ПАРТНЬОР? В днешно време популярността на приложения и сайтове за запознаства нараства. Много хора се осланят на онлайн пространството в опит да намерят романтичен партньор. Темата е особено актуална по време на пандемичната

How Can Summer Affect Mental Health Based on press materials Summer is meant to be everyone’s favourite season – a time when the sun is shining, our social calendar is chock-a-block and we’re all outdoors, sporting our

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