THE FUTURE OF HEALTH - Pre-Premiere Welcome to the online presentation of a new generation social-service system  designed for health prevention and quality of life improvement.  You will understand how our revolutionary approach gives the possibility for early detection of

Как да превърнем паническата атака в приятел Какво са паническите атаки?Паническите атаки са състояния, които включват различни физически симптоми, придружени с чувство на страх от смъртта и страх от полудяване. Физическите симптоми могат да наподобяват различни заболявания,

EAP: Mental Talks: ‘Exercise & Physical Activity’ Aim:To raise the awareness of the participants for the principles of healthy workout and how to avoid bad training patterns. We all know how important is to be in good

EAP: Mental Talks: Mindfulness & Mental Fitness Aim: To give information about the concepts of “ Mindfulness” and "Mental Fitness",  the consequences on our health and wellbeing In our lives we often live on autopilot - we

EAP: Mental Talks: The Meaning Of Panic Attacks. What Do They Try Tell Us? Aim:To give information about the nature and causes of panic attacks and the way to deal with them Anxiety has a purpose. It