EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim: To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front

EAP: Group session: The Pursuit Of Happiness Aim:To find our inner strengths and to learn new strategies for life quality improvement and happiness We live in groups. We often share our stories and opinions in front of

Авторът на това откровение предпочита да остане анонимен.   Разказ от първо лице: Любовен многоъгълник за напреднали математици Бях на 13 г., когато родителите ми се разведоха. Баща ми се премести да живее при новата си изгора, която

Рестартирай любовния си живот - дискусионна група, СРЕЩА 1 Цел: Да подкрепим участниците в  преодоляване на трудности при изграждането на интимни взаимоотношения  Всеки от нас е преживял моменти, в които е убеден, че любовният му живот е

author: ANONYMUS  5/5 The author prefers to stay anonymous. She describes herself as positive and charming person. Personal Story: COVID and a Christmas Miracle on a Dating Site It was last year. I got infected in

Home Alone…on Christmas Day Imagine the following picture: It is snowing outside. A large and happy family is sitting in a beautifully decorated living room. The lights on the Christmas tree are illuminating the smiling faces while

автор: АНОНИМЕН  5/5 Авторът на това откровение предпочита да остане анонимен. Определя се като симпатичен и забавен човек. Разказ от първо лице: Ковид и Коледно чудо в сайт за запознанства Беше миналата година. Заразих се по

author: ANONYMUS  5/5 The author prefers to stay anonymous. She describes herself as positive and charming person. Personal Story: For donkeys, roses, scattered car parts and other things From an early age I just dreamed to

The Dangers of BENCHING You match with someone on Tinder, exchange a few texts, the conversation starts very interesting. Everything is great  — you talk about your favorite music, books and even share some stories from your

EAP Mental Talks: Non-verbal Communication And How To Influence Others Aim: To improve the nonverbal communication of the participants "Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80%

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