EAP: Mental Talks: Stress & Burnout Prevention Aim:To introduce and elaborate on the concepts of stress and burn out and learn strategies and techniques for dealing with them. All of us are constantly exposed to stress factors.
EAP: Mental Talks: Stress & Burnout Prevention Aim:To introduce and elaborate on the concepts of stress and burn out and learn strategies and techniques for dealing with them. All of us are constantly exposed to stress factors.
EAP: Group session: Stress & Burnout Prevention Aim:To learn new and effective strategies for stress and burnout prevention. All of us are constantly exposed to stress factors. Stress is beneficial and useful when it helps us to
5/5 Somenso и Гергана Радович представят “Четенето като автотерапия”. Ние от Център за управление на стреса създадохме рубрика, която ще посветим на книгите, създадени от български автори, написани, за да пречистват, да зареждат, да дават надежда. Започнали
EAP: Mental Talks: Basic Principles of Psychology and Psychotherapy - Mental Health and Mental Health Services Aim:To learn basic principles of psychology and psychotherapy. “I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes
author: Theodora Angelova 5/5 My name is Teodora Angelova and I have had the opportunity to become really close with depression. We know each other with panic attacks very good as well. It turned out we
EAP Discussion group: Preventing burnout and finding your work purpose Aim: To trigger participants for discussion how to recognize their own stile of stress management and to learn some new strategies for better living. Most people are
Амбиция и професионално прегаряне Целта на обучението е да подпомогне разбирането професионалното прегаряне като явление, определянето на типа личност и ролята на амбицията при управлението на стреса. Вие не можете да се отървете от собствената си личност,
EAP Discussion group: Stress Management skills Aim: To trigger participants for discussion how to recognize their own stile of stress management and to learn some new strategies for better living. Most people are constantly exposed to stress
EAP Discussion group: Stress Management skills Aim:To trigger participants for discussion how to recognize their own stile of stress management and to learn some new strategies for better living. Most people are constantly exposed to stress factors.
What is depression and what can I do about it? Workshop goals: To present participants with information on depression. To encourage participants to get help for improving quality of life.Sadness, feeling down, and having a loss of