Хибридна услуга от ново поколение за управление на психичния стрес, която предлага ранно предклинично откриване на стреса, ранна интервенция и превенция на хроничните последици от стреса. Ние работим за повишаване на благосъстоянието на ниво личност и ниво организация.
A few years ago we were visited by a 34-year-old client who started having panic attacks, having previously visited a doctor with these symptoms and received a prescription with a prescribed medicine. Against the background of panic attacks, however, the client has begun to develop additional symptoms expressed in chronic pessimism, despair, dissatisfaction with life, high sensitivity and deplorable condition.
ВAt the same time there have been problems with sleep: ” I could not sleep, and occasionally when I dozed off hopping into bed like electricity going through my body” . To get rid of these symptoms, the client begins to drink alcohol, which later grows into a chronic habit.
Symptoms of depression cause difficulties in work and communication. Apathy and lack of determination cause laziness, and sudden flashes of irritation or sadness adversely affect the people around. As a result, social interactions are severely limited and one becomes isolated.
epression is caused entirely by unpleasant events, such as the death of a loved one or relative. And sometimes it happens that depression occurs for no apparent reason. In fact, the cause is always there, just hidden or there are many of these causes clustered together. For example, a person may experience depression due to constant stress, fatigue, alcohol consumption, family problems, lack of goals and aspirations, etc. All of these things together can create a psychological environment conducive to the development of depression.
In general, the opinion of psychologists is that depression caused by a single non-recurring event (death of a loved one) has a more beneficial effect on the individual than depression caused by recurring circumstances (stress, constant nervous fatigue, personal and family problems, work which is considered unsatisfactory, etc.),
After all, sooner or later the memory of unhappiness will fade and life will be filled with new meaning, new pleasures, and with it grief and the depression associated with it will gradually disappear. But it doesn’t always happen that way. An adverse event can only become a “driving factor” of depression for a person who has been predisposed to it due to various factors.
This is similar to the way, for example, the current causes a cold in a person with weak immunity. However, it cannot be said that the current itself causes coughing and sore throat. The air from the open window only caused the disease, and the prerequisites for its occurrence already exist due to weak immunity.
A week later, when the fever passes, a person still risks getting sick if he gets in the rain or under a current.
If we compare this with the appearance of depression, the role of the current can be fulfilled by a certain misfortune in a person’s life. Like long-term illness, depression can weaken the “immunity” and increase the risk of developing the disease in the future.
This had happened to our client as well. He was very unbalanced and sensitive to stress. At one point, the unpleasant single event had provoked panic attacks and related depression. If his psyche was stronger and more stable, then the client would react more calmly to the situation and this would not have caused such severe consequences for him. But man is what he is now…
A few years later, the client informed us that the memories of the unpleasant event had ceased to cause him pain, but the depression and panic attacks had not disappeared. This is because these mental states have further “shaken” his already painful psyche. Even when the client has accepted the unpleasant event, he continues to suffer from sudden panic attacks, bad mood and pessimism.
Of course, there are things in life that can fall apart and make even the strongest people suffer. But in most situations, depression is a consequence of your mental state, physical health, nervous sensitivity and worldview.
This approach is aimed primarily at strengthening mental “immunity”, not just getting rid of symptoms.
Despite the fact that antidepressants and tranquilizers can have a positive effect on the symptoms of depression, they themselves can be avoided!
Even if your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, there are other ways besides pills to restore that balance. It has been proven that psychotherapy and various practices of working on oneself change the chemical balance in the brain. Read more about biofeedback and brain stimulation .
Furthermore, although I cannot deny the need to use medication, it is proven that psychotherapy and working on oneself have a much more lasting and lasting effect. This means that the tablets will relieve the symptoms. But if you want to strengthen your “psychological immunity”, reduce the likelihood of recurrence of depressive episodes in the future, then you must commit and work on yourself!
In order not to get a cold, you need to calm down and keep your body in good shape, and not just drink constant analgesics. The same goes for depression. It is necessary to stabilize the emotional state, to strengthen the nervous system and to teach a person to look at things differently.
In some cases, however, medications are needed. They are simply needed to literally “lift a person to his feet”, to help him start working on himself in order to undergo therapy. This is only a type of pharmacological support, but not a therapy. This must be understood. But if your case is severe, the medication method cannot be ignored!
But you just don’t need to see this as a panacea and limit yourself to drugs: the pills are only your temporary assistant, which is in the service of therapy. Regardless of the pills, it is necessary to take measures to work with the psyche alone or better under the supervision of a psychotherapist.
What we offer innovatively
Integrative Psychotherapy using Mr. and EMDR to overcome the traumatic event and brain stimulation
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За да осигурим най-доброто изживяване, използваме технологии като „бисквитки“ за съхраняване и/или достъп до информация за устройството. Съгласието за тези технологии ще ни позволи да обработваме данни като поведение при сърфиране или уникални идентификатори на този сайт. Несъгласието или оттеглянето на съгласието може да се отрази неблагоприятно на определени функции и характеристики.
A vision for depression
A vision for depression
to Bulgarian version
ВAt the same time there have been problems with sleep: ” I could not sleep, and occasionally when I dozed off hopping into bed like electricity going through my body” . To get rid of these symptoms, the client begins to drink alcohol, which later grows into a chronic habit.
Symptoms of depression cause difficulties in work and communication. Apathy and lack of determination cause laziness, and sudden flashes of irritation or sadness adversely affect the people around. As a result, social interactions are severely limited and one becomes isolated.
How does depression develops?
epression is caused entirely by unpleasant events, such as the death of a loved one or relative. And sometimes it happens that depression occurs for no apparent reason. In fact, the cause is always there, just hidden or there are many of these causes clustered together. For example, a person may experience depression due to constant stress, fatigue, alcohol consumption, family problems, lack of goals and aspirations, etc. All of these things together can create a psychological environment conducive to the development of depression.
In general, the opinion of psychologists is that depression caused by a single non-recurring event (death of a loved one) has a more beneficial effect on the individual than depression caused by recurring circumstances (stress, constant nervous fatigue, personal and family problems, work which is considered unsatisfactory, etc.),
After all, sooner or later the memory of unhappiness will fade and life will be filled with new meaning, new pleasures, and with it grief and the depression associated with it will gradually disappear. But it doesn’t always happen that way. An adverse event can only become a “driving factor” of depression for a person who has been predisposed to it due to various factors.
This is similar to the way, for example, the current causes a cold in a person with weak immunity. However, it cannot be said that the current itself causes coughing and sore throat. The air from the open window only caused the disease, and the prerequisites for its occurrence already exist due to weak immunity.
A week later, when the fever passes, a person still risks getting sick if he gets in the rain or under a current.
If we compare this with the appearance of depression, the role of the current can be fulfilled by a certain misfortune in a person’s life. Like long-term illness, depression can weaken the “immunity” and increase the risk of developing the disease in the future.
This had happened to our client as well. He was very unbalanced and sensitive to stress. At one point, the unpleasant single event had provoked panic attacks and related depression. If his psyche was stronger and more stable, then the client would react more calmly to the situation and this would not have caused such severe consequences for him. But man is what he is now…
A few years later, the client informed us that the memories of the unpleasant event had ceased to cause him pain, but the depression and panic attacks had not disappeared. This is because these mental states have further “shaken” his already painful psyche. Even when the client has accepted the unpleasant event, he continues to suffer from sudden panic attacks, bad mood and pessimism.
Of course, there are things in life that can fall apart and make even the strongest people suffer. But in most situations, depression is a consequence of your mental state, physical health, nervous sensitivity and worldview.
A method of dealing with depression - a type of strengthening the immune system
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This approach is aimed primarily at strengthening mental “immunity”, not just getting rid of symptoms.
Despite the fact that antidepressants and tranquilizers can have a positive effect on the symptoms of depression, they themselves can be avoided!
Even if your depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, there are other ways besides pills to restore that balance. It has been proven that psychotherapy and various practices of working on oneself change the chemical balance in the brain. Read more about biofeedback and brain stimulation .
Furthermore, although I cannot deny the need to use medication, it is proven that psychotherapy and working on oneself have a much more lasting and lasting effect. This means that the tablets will relieve the symptoms. But if you want to strengthen your “psychological immunity”, reduce the likelihood of recurrence of depressive episodes in the future, then you must commit and work on yourself!
In order not to get a cold, you need to calm down and keep your body in good shape, and not just drink constant analgesics. The same goes for depression. It is necessary to stabilize the emotional state, to strengthen the nervous system and to teach a person to look at things differently.
In some cases, however, medications are needed. They are simply needed to literally “lift a person to his feet”, to help him start working on himself in order to undergo therapy. This is only a type of pharmacological support, but not a therapy. This must be understood. But if your case is severe, the medication method cannot be ignored!
But you just don’t need to see this as a panacea and limit yourself to drugs: the pills are only your temporary assistant, which is in the service of therapy. Regardless of the pills, it is necessary to take measures to work with the psyche alone or better under the supervision of a psychotherapist.
What we offer innovatively
Integrative Psychotherapy using Mr. and EMDR to overcome the traumatic event and brain stimulation
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