Хибридна услуга от ново поколение за управление на психичния стрес, която предлага ранно предклинично откриване на стреса, ранна интервенция и превенция на хроничните последици от стреса. Ние работим за повишаване на благосъстоянието на ниво личност и ниво организация.
Narcissism is a widely used and discussed term in nowadays psychology. It is associated with the sense of exaggerated self-importance and entitlement. The term itself is originating from Greek mythology. It is named after Narcissus, a son of a god, who falls in love with his own reflection. There are two main types of narcissism established in the psychological field – grandiose and vulnerable. Both types include traits such as exploitativeness, lack of empathy and entitlement. However, when we refer to grandiose narcissism, we speak about individuals who are arrogant, dominant and highly extroverted. Grandiose narcissists demonstrate high self-esteem, they are outspoken and assertive. In cases of vulnerable narcissism, individuals show low levels of self-esteem and a tendency to experience higher levels negative emotions, neuroticism, anxiety, and shame.
Everyone might demonstrate certain narcissistic traits and tendencies from time to time, however certain individuals’ functioning and social interactions might be impaired due to high levels of narcissism. In these cases we speak about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). When a person is clinically diagnosed with NPD, they demonstrate a specific set of behaviors which include:
Narcissistic individuals might be very harmful to others, especially the ones who are maintaining close relationships with them. This type of relationship might feel like a torture. The person on the other side of the relationship could feel neglected, unheard, and unconsidered. They could be a victim of constant emotional and verbal manipulation and abuse aimed at lowering their sense of value and confidence. No matter how much effort they put into trying to please their partner, it might never be enough. After some time, they will end up feeling deeply frustrated, hurt and heartbroken. Therefor it is extremely important to recognize narcissistic patterns and stay aware of how deal with a narcissist. Here is how to identify whether you are in a close relationship with one and if so, how to break out of it.
You can distinguish a narcissistic behavior in your partner by the following signs:
All these traits and behaviors are very damaging to the other partner in the relationship and they make it impossible for a healthy relationship to occur. As mentioned above, such a relationship might cause severe emotional damage to an individual and can very difficult to break out of. On the one hand because it is very addictive – the constant change between love bombing and devaluing causes the release of addictive brain-hormone cycles. On the other hand because the narcissist leaves their partner confused, emotionally starved and with no sense of value or self This is why if finding yourself or a loved one in this dynamic, you should try to break out of it as soon as possible. Here are a few steps that can help you with that:
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За да осигурим най-доброто изживяване, използваме технологии като „бисквитки“ за съхраняване и/или достъп до информация за устройството. Съгласието за тези технологии ще ни позволи да обработваме данни като поведение при сърфиране или уникални идентификатори на този сайт. Несъгласието или оттеглянето на съгласието може да се отрази неблагоприятно на определени функции и характеристики.
Narcissism is a widely used and discussed term in nowadays psychology. It is associated with the sense of exaggerated self-importance and entitlement. The term itself is originating from Greek mythology. It is named after Narcissus, a son of a god, who falls in love with his own reflection. There are two main types of narcissism established in the psychological field – grandiose and vulnerable. Both types include traits such as exploitativeness, lack of empathy and entitlement. However, when we refer to grandiose narcissism, we speak about individuals who are arrogant, dominant and highly extroverted. Grandiose narcissists demonstrate high self-esteem, they are outspoken and assertive. In cases of vulnerable narcissism, individuals show low levels of self-esteem and a tendency to experience higher levels negative emotions, neuroticism, anxiety, and shame.
Everyone might demonstrate certain narcissistic traits and tendencies from time to time, however certain individuals’ functioning and social interactions might be impaired due to high levels of narcissism. In these cases we speak about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). When a person is clinically diagnosed with NPD, they demonstrate a specific set of behaviors which include:
Narcissistic individuals might be very harmful to others, especially the ones who are maintaining close relationships with them. This type of relationship might feel like a torture. The person on the other side of the relationship could feel neglected, unheard, and unconsidered. They could be a victim of constant emotional and verbal manipulation and abuse aimed at lowering their sense of value and confidence. No matter how much effort they put into trying to please their partner, it might never be enough. After some time, they will end up feeling deeply frustrated, hurt and heartbroken. Therefor it is extremely important to recognize narcissistic patterns and stay aware of how deal with a narcissist. Here is how to identify whether you are in a close relationship with one and if so, how to break out of it.
You can distinguish a narcissistic behavior in your partner by the following signs:
All these traits and behaviors are very damaging to the other partner in the relationship and they make it impossible for a healthy relationship to occur. As mentioned above, such a relationship might cause severe emotional damage to an individual and can very difficult to break out of. On the one hand because it is very addictive – the constant change between love bombing and devaluing causes the release of addictive brain-hormone cycles. On the other hand because the narcissist leaves their partner confused, emotionally starved and with no sense of value or self This is why if finding yourself or a loved one in this dynamic, you should try to break out of it as soon as possible. Here are a few steps that can help you with that:
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